Future J-ISR : Increasing informational superiority in the age of information
The CESMA (Center for Aeronautical Military Studies “Giulio Douhet”) of the ITAF Association hold a workshop “ Future J-ISR ” at the Center for High Defence Studies (CASD).
ISR activities are taking an increasing role in the execution of a wide range of critical missions, eg: Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism, Maritime Domain Awareness, Space Defense, Security Communications in a Global Context. Maximizing the Information Superiority of the situation by J-ISR results not only in an operational advantage on the battlefield, but also in an advantage in all areas: air, land, sea, space, and, more recently, cyberspace. The experience of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and the increasingly tumultuous Asia-Pacific region has clearly shown the absolute necessity to make a leap forward in ISR technology. The conference aims to bring together experts from government and industry to activate within the CESMA a working group to assist in designing the new Italian roadmap post 2020.
The event was supported by CASD and sustained by Boeing, Elettronica SpA, Lockeed Martin IS&GS Defense, Piaggio Aero Industries, Selex-ES, GM Spazio and AOS
- Opening remarks:
- Welcome (Gen. Walter Cretella Lombardo, Direttore dello IASD & Gen. Nazzareno Cardinali, Direttore CESMA) ( video )
- Introduction to the theme of the workshop: Future J-ISR requirements and application strategy in a dynamic and changing environment – Gustavo Scotti di Uccio, Aos ( video – slides & speakers cv )
- Keynote briefings:
- The increasing situational knowledge and operational advantage via JSR: Evaluating the particular needs for the future J-ISR capability A Roadmap for the Way Forward”: (Gen B.A. Giuseppe Gimondo – ITA MoD Staff – Deputy Chief VI Dep C4I Systems and Transformation) ( video – slides )
- Future Trends in NATO on Situational Awareness and Interoperability post 2020 (Dr. Richard H. Wittstruck – US MOD – Chair NATO JCGISR) ( video – slides )
- Confronting challenges in sharing information throughout the chain of command: NATO UV2014 – Confronting challenges to increasing interoperability between C2 and ISR systems – (W.C.(R) RAF Rob Munday NATO NIAG SG177 Chairman) ( video – slides)
- Evolution of Threat and Role of New Smart Technologies – (Dr. Francesco Tosato: – Centro Studi Internazionali) ( video –speach)
- The future of J-ISR as Fusion of Sensors and Information
- Future Scenarios in ISR Network – (Dr. Andrea Lazzareschi Sergiusti – SELEX ES) ( video – slides )
- Evolution of Cyber Protection in ISR Interconnected Environment (Ing Ennio Raschellà – SELEX ES) ( video – slides )
- Capitalizing on the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in ESM (Ing Daniela Pistoia – ELETTRONICA) ( video – slides )
- Big data
- Il Futuro della Sorveglianza Aerea
- Closing remarks and way ahead: Gen B.A. Giuseppe Gimondo, Nazzareno Cardinali & Gustavo Scotti di Uccio ( video )
- Tips